Lilac rushed to him and smothered him with friendly licks. "Step away!" she barked to the dragon, snarling, pushing away the claw. She grabbed his scruff and yanked the bloody body out. "What are you doing, Crona?"
"I'm doing this for you," he coughed. "Go away. I'm alright. I don't feel pain. After all, I have black blood..." Black liquid seeped from his jaws as his unsteady gaze was a blur.
"Oh, Crona. You don't have to do this for me. I'd rather you alive than dead," she whispered.
"But I started this.. I must finish it.."
"No you don't. Don't make a promise you can't keep.." Lilac said softly, licking a wound on his nose. Crona stared at her a long time before replying..